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Only through art can we emerge from ourselves and know what another person sees.

- Marcel Proust, Maxims

China Vision 中華新貌


region of china

1. 華北地區:

- 北京 天津 河北 山西 內蒙古 遼寧 吉林 黑龍江

2. 華東地區:

- 江蘇 安徽 山東 上海 浙江 江西 福建 台灣

3. 華中地區:

- 湖北 湖南 河南

4. 華南地區:

- 廣東 廣西 海南

5. 華西地區:

- 重慶 四川 貴州 雲南 西藏 西北地區:陝西 甘肅 寧夏 青海 新疆

6. 港澳台:香港 澳門 台灣

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2010 Heilongjiang 黑龍江


Heilongjiang is the homeland of Manchus, who found their kingdom in the northeast territory of China. Being a small ethnic minority of China, Manchus are descended from Jurchens before 17th century when Nurhaci founded the Manchu state. In 1644, it seized the reign of China from Ming Dynasty and established the last ruling dynasty of china until 1911. Let's step into the cradle of Manchus civilization.





1616 年,官拜明建州左卫督司的爱新觉罗努尔哈赤起兵统一女真各部落,建立后金。1635年,皇太极废除「女真」的族号,改称“满洲”,將居住在中国东北 地区的建州女真、海西女真、野人女真、蒙古、朝鲜、汉、呼尔哈、索伦等多个民族纳入同一族名之下,满族自此形成。作为血统最为“纯正”的组成部分,建州女 真人被称为“佛满洲”(舊滿洲,fe manju),其他人则被称为“依彻满洲”(新滿洲,ice manju)。1636年,皇太极將国号改为“大清”,同時也改元“崇德”。1644年入关灭李自成,建立了覆盖满洲、前明关内领土及西北新领地的清朝。 辛亥革命推翻清朝后,因满洲族大部分定居在关内,故官方改称为“满族”。

Information Source: wikipedia

Mid China and Taiwan 2008

壺口瀑布Wanna see the latest  mid-China and Taiwan? Here comes our new phto collection. We add 3 albums to our image bank of which two (CLICK HERE) consist of hundreds of sanp shots of mid-china  around Sian, where is the oldest captial of many dynasties of ancient China. The other album (CLICK HERE) consists of the snap shots of the most popular visitors' hot spot in Taiwan. 

一睹最新之華中及台灣新貌,可瀏覽我們新增之三個影集,兩個是西安古都及其附近一帶之獵影 (CLICK HERE),另一為台灣08年冬之大城小鎮景貌(CLICK HERE)

China Scenery 1
Southern China 華南
south china
China Scenery 2
Middle China, 華中
middle china
China Scenery 3
Western China  華西western china
China Scenery 4
North China  華北
northern china
China Scenery 5
North China  華東
East China

Arts without Boundary

Almost forty thousands of original photos or images created by our colleagues are now released to the pubic free of charge under our "UM Free Image License". These are only part of our portfolio but it does take us a lot of time to convert the conventional film to digital format. We've  estimated that more than ten thousand images are kept in our studio and we believe they are not just  some kind of artwork but may serve as documentation of the development of our world in the last 40 years. Just click and view.
們已把為數達四萬多張自有原創圖片以 "UM Free Image License" 自由圖像授權協定方式發佈, 我們將繼續把庫存軟片圖庫數碼化, 並增添新作以回饋公眾.