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Only through art can we emerge from ourselves and know what another person sees.

- Marcel Proust, Maxims

Assorted Stock Fotos 分類圖庫:

Wonder of Nature 自然奇趣

(Max 800x800 pixel)
It is more blessed to give than to receive.

- Bible

Nature 1 - Animal
Nature 2 - Flowers
Animals - Water 水 棲動物
Animals -  Farm 牧養動物
Animals - Zoo & Wild 野生動物
Insects 昆蟲
butterfly  蝴蝶
dragonfly 青蜓
honey bee  蜜蜂
Animals - Birds 飛禽
Orchids 蘭花
Lotus 荷花
Rose 玫瑰
Misc Flowers 花 花世界
Gardening 園藝
Floral Art 花藝
Nature 3 - Other Plants
Nature 4 - Landscape
Crops 作物
Trees 樹
Waters and Sea  江川大海
Landscape and Sky 大地天空
Snow Mountain 雪山
Sunset 日落

Hong Kong Scenery 香港景物

down town
Land Mark
New Town & Rural Area
鄉郊 新 市鎮
Rural and Country
Cultural Legacy
cultural legacy
Peak 山頂
Victory Harbour 維 港
Central 中區
Tsimshatsui 尖沙咀
 Landmark Building 地標建築
Amusement  遊樂景點
Chilin Temple  志蓮靜苑
Stanley 赤柱
West New Territories 西新界
N.E. New Territories 東北新界
Island 離島
Wongtaisin Temple 黃大仙
Polin Temple 寶蓮寺
Shekkipmei Resettlement Arrea
Star Ferry 天星小輪港島碼頭
Taipo Will Tree 大埔許願樹
Yaumatei Fruit Market 果欄

Themed Photos
themed photo

Firework Performance 煙火
Night Scenery 夜景

China Scenery 中國景物

China Scenery 1
Southern China 華南
south china
China Scene華西ry 2
Middle China, 華中
middle china
China Scenery 3
Western China  華西western china
China Scenery 4
North China  華北
northern china
 Hoinan 海 南島
shaogwan 韶關
shaohing  1 肇慶 盤龍峽1
shaohing  2  肇慶 盤龍峽2
Sian 西安
Nanijin 79 南京 79
Beijin 79 北京 79
Beijin 04 北京 04
Jiuzhaikau 1 九寨溝1 黃龍
jiuzhaikau 2 九寨溝2
Yunnan  雲南
dengwang  敦煌
silkroad 絲路
tibet 西藏
south frontier 南疆
North Frontier  北疆 

China Scenery 5
North China  華東

Hanzhou_Wuxi 79 杭州/無錫 79
Taiwan  83 台 灣 83

World Scenery 世界風光文物

World Scenery 1
World Scenery 2
America 北美風景
north america
World Scenery 3
All Others 其他
World Scenery
East Asia Scenery

  East Asia
Austria 奧地利
France 法國
Switzerland  瑞士
Italy 意大利
London 倫 敦
 Vatican 梵諦崗 
 Monte Carlo 蒙地卡羅
Rocky Montain
North America 4
Vancouver 1
 Vancouver 2
Vancouver 3
Middle East 中東
South Africa 南 非
Oceania 大洋洲
 Japan 92 日本92
Japan  日 本

South East Asia Scenery

Tahiland 90  泰國90
Thailand 泰國
Cambodia   柬浦寨
Vietnam 越南
Vietnam 2 越南2
Singapore 95 新加坡95
Singapore 新加坡
Malaysia95 馬來亞95
Malaysia 馬來亞
Malaysia  08 馬來亞 08

Arts without Boundary

Almost forty thousands of original photos or images created by our colleagues are now released to the pubic free of charge under our "UM Free Image License". These are only part of our portfolio but it does take us a lot of time to convert the conventional film to digital format. We've  estimated that more than ten thousand images are kept in our studio and we believe they are not just  some kind of artwork but may serve as documentation of the development of our world in the last 40 years. Just click and view.
們已把為數達四萬多張自有原創圖片以 "UM Free Image License" 自由圖像授權協定方式發佈, 我們將繼續把庫存軟片圖庫數碼化, 並增添新作以回饋公眾.