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Only through art can we emerge from ourselves and know what another person sees.

- Marcel Proust, Maxims

World Scenery 4 世界風光文物 4

(Max 800x800 pixel)

South East Asia Scenery 東南亞

It is more blessed to give than to receive.

- Bible

Singapore 2010 星加坡

- added on 16/11/2010 -

Take a short break on Tioman Island is always a good idea for people who're working Tioman 刁曼島hard for too long time in the office or placed enclosed by walls and workaholics and fussy business. Not far away, you may enjoy the unique mood of China Town in Singapore, experiencing the cross -over of chinese culture and the South East Asian traditional  life.

Langkawi, Malaysia, 2009

- 15/4/2009 -

snowy vancouverParadise on Earth 人間天堂

If you think that the heaven of god is too remote. Here is a second best for you. When you're lying on the white beach, enjoying the beautiful scenery, relaxing your body and let it be massaged by  the fervor  sunshine and gentle tropical breeze, you must be feeling that you've been in the heaven. Langkawi might be one of the very few places on earth worthing the name of paradise.    Just leave all your work and troubles behind. Take a short break in this resort area of Malaysia for a few days. Click <HERE> to enjoy the scenery of this beautiful island with us.

果你覺得天堂太遙遠, 這裡有個不錯的次選, 只要躺臥在馬來亞浮羅交怡沙灘的白沙上, 一邊欣賞著美景, 一邊任由熾熱的陽光及溫柔的微風按摩著你的身體,感覺便猶如置身天堂, 何不暫且丟下工作煩憂, 到此人間天堂逍遙數天。我們樂於先行跟你分享該地美景,歡迎點擊<此處>觀賞。

thailand 90
Thailand 90  泰 國90
thailand 04
Thailand 04 泰國04
Cambodia   柬浦寨
vietnam 06
Vietnam 06-1 越南06-1
vietnam 06
Vietnam 06-2 越南06-2
singapore 95
Singapore 95 新加坡95
malaysia 95
Malaysia95 馬來亞95
singapore 05
Singapore05  新 加坡05
singapore 08
Singapore-Malaysia 08
星 馬08
diving in sabah
Diving in Sabah 08
langkawi 1009
Langkawi, Malaysia, 2009

Arts without Boundary

Almost forty thousands of original photos or images created by our colleagues are now released to the pubic free of charge under our "UM Free Image License". These are only part of our portfolio but it does take us a lot of time to convert the conventional film to digital format. We've  estimated that more than ten thousand images are kept in our studio and we believe they are not just  some kind of artwork but may serve as documentation of the development of our world in the last 40 years. Just click and view.
們已把為數達四萬多張自有原創圖片以 "UM Free Image License" 自由圖像授權協定方式發佈, 我們將繼續把庫存軟片圖庫數碼化, 並增添新作以回饋公眾.