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Only through art can we emerge from ourselves and know what another person sees.

- Marcel Proust, Maxims

Hong Kong Scenery 香港景物

(Max 800x800 pixel)

Downtown 鬧市

It is more blessed to give than to receive.

- Bible

hk scenery

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Central Old Town - Collective Memory the Good Old Days

wingli street

An awarded film bring our memory and imagination back to our good old days. Half of it is but a dream and harl of it is a reality before us. Being a spectator gazing at the outside wall of all those old buildings full of wrinkles carved by the knife of time, we're confussed.

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wingli street
Old town in Central
Collective Memory the Good Old Days
An awarded film bring our memory and imagination back to our good old days. Half of it is but a dream and harl of it is a reality before us. Being a spectator gazing at the outside wall of all those old buildings full of wrinkles carved by the knife of time, we're confussed.
ngautaukok lower estate
Ngautaukok Lower Estate

Another icon of the poverty of Hong Kong has entered its count-down stage. Will the demolition of the NTK LE put an end to those hard days of Hong Kong or envisage the death of the spirit of endurance. Our photographer took some snap shots. Click <HERE> to see the images of the fading memory in the virtual world of internet.

The Vanishing Icon of Poverty
Here in the west  side of Kowloon is where the poorest region of Hong Kong locates. Once upon a time, Shek Kip Mei in west Kowloon was the icon of poverty of Hong Kong. The demolition of it did not put an end to this symbolic identity. Anyway, we took these pictures as a collective momery of Hong Kong people.
yaumatei 09
Yaumatei 2009 revisit
Collective Memory of the Tough Old Days:
Next to the new west Kowloon, where our new center of civilization will locate, there is an old corner witnessing the ever change facade of our home city. Oldies and newbies are mixed together, forming a very special vision in the skyline. Click the above image to see all pictures.
Peak 山頂
Looking at the city like a hawk
Taking a bird's eye view from here, you can see a magnificent scenery of a big modern city. However, a common Hong Kong People saying says that you see a lot of fools in our city from the peak. Does it mean that those people watching are cleverer than those people being watched. Who can tell how to distinguish among hunter and prey in such a big city.
victory harbout
Victory Harbour 維 港
The skyline of a metropolis
For a very long time we couldn't see a deep and blue  sky over the Victoria Harbour. Ocassionally, we're so lucky to meet this chance.
Central 中區
Heart of a City
Walking in Central, you feel the heart beat of the Metropolis in sourthern China. Someone sees it a nice mix of western and oriental culture here while someone see it a deviant of the orthodoxical chinese culture.
Tsimshatsui 尖沙咀


Arts without Boundary

Almost forty thousands of original photos or images created by our colleagues are now released to the pubic free of charge under our "UM Free Image License". These are only part of our portfolio but it does take us a lot of time to convert the conventional film to digital format. We've  estimated that more than ten thousand images are kept in our studio and we believe they are not just  some kind of artwork but may serve as documentation of the development of our world in the last 40 years. Just click and view.
們已把為數達四萬多張自有原創圖片以 "UM Free Image License" 自由圖像授權協定方式發佈, 我們將繼續把庫存軟片圖庫數碼化, 並增添新作以回饋公眾.