張家界 Apr, 2012 .. jAlbum 11 Zhangjiajie (simplified Chinese: 张家界; traditional Chinese: 張家界; pinyin: Zhāngjiājiè) is a prefecture-level city in the northwestern part of Hunan province in China. It comprises the district of Yongding (永定) and counties of Cili (慈利) and Sangzhi (桑植). Within it is located Wulingyuan Scenic Area which was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992 as well as a AAAAA scenic area by the China National Tourism Administration. (source: wikipedia) 張家界市為中國湖南省的省轄地級市,位於湖南西北部,澧水中上游,屬武陵山脈腹地。為中國最重要的旅遊城市之一。1982年9月,張家界成為中國第一個國家森林公園,1988年8月,武陵源被列入國家第二批40處重點風景名勝區之內;1992年,由張家界國家森林公園、索溪峪風景區、天子山風景區三大景區構成的武陵源自然風景區被聯合國教科文組織列入《世界自然遺產名錄》。