# This file is created by JAlbum. It sets custom file filtering and ordering for this image directory. # Files not listed here are added to the end of the album # Rows beginning with "-" indicate excluded files. # Rows can have up to 3 tab separated columns according to this scheme: # File name | Target path (for links) | When added (seconds since epoch) # Note: The target path can reference files and directories in other locations and thereby # allows you to compile albums consisting of files from several different locations. 0607w_china_sf_DSCF0290.jpg 1234164237 0607w_china_sf_DSCF0360.jpg 1234164237 0607w_china_sf_DSCF0361.jpg 1234164238 070506jw__PICT5187.JPG 1234164238 070506jw__PICT5188.JPG 1234164239 DSCF0526.JPG 1234164240 DSCF0528.JPG 1234164240 DSCF0532.JPG 1234164241 DSCF0534.JPG 1234164242 DSCF0538.JPG 1234164243 DSCF0561.JPG 1234164243 DSCN4893.JPG 1234164244 DSCN4894.JPG 1234164245 DSCN4897.JPG 1234164246 DSCN4898.JPG 1234164247 DSCN4899.JPG 1234164248 DSCN4900.JPG 1234164249 DSCN5521.JPG 1234164249 DSCN5522.JPG 1234164250 IMG242.jpg 1234164251 IMG243.jpg 1234164251 PICT3838.JPG 1234164252 PICT3839.JPG 1234164252 20110626fungyurn_P1070840.JPG 1527220053 20110626fungyurn_P1070841.JPG 1527220053 20110626fungyurn_P1070842.JPG 1527220053 20110626fungyurn_P1070843.JPG 1527220053