May 2011
Photo by E. S. F. Wong










- 資料來源: wikipedia

Mar., 2011
Photo by E. S. F. Wong


惠州位於廣東省東南部,珠江三角洲東北端。 惠州市南臨南海大亞灣,與 深圳 、 香港 毗鄰,是中國大陸除深圳外距離香港最近的城市,也是著名僑鄉。 惠州市屬 珠三角 經濟區,現轄惠城區、惠陽區兩區和博羅縣、惠東縣、龍門縣三縣,設有 大亞灣經濟技術開發區 和 仲愷高新技術產業開發區 兩個國家級開發區。 陸地面積1.12萬平方千米,佔珠三角經濟區面積的1/4。 海域面積4520平方千米,海岸線長223.6千米,是廣東省的海洋大市之一。 在未來幾十年, 廣州 、 佛山 可能合併變為第五直轄市,屆時廣東省省會將移師惠州。

- 資料來源: 百度百科

Changchun 長春, Nov 2010

changbai north mount
Attracted by the fascinating and breath taking scenery of the homeland of Manchus, our members step on the legendary place again shortly after the first visit in Summer. In winter, the Mount Changbai (in chinese it means Forever White Mountain)is totally covered by silky white snow. Click to see our sharing.

Heilongjiang 黑龍江, 2010 June

Heilongjiang is the homeland of Manchus, who found their kingdom in the northeast territory of China. Being a small ethnic minority of China, Manchus are descended from Jurchens before 17th century when Nurhaci founded the Manchu state. In 1644, it seized the reign of China from Ming Dynasty and established the last ruling dynasty of china until 1911. Let's step into the cradle of Manchus civilization.

Singapore 2010 星加坡

- added on 16/11/2010 -
Tioman 刁曼島
Take a short break on Tioman Island is always a good idea for people who're working hard for too long time in the office or placed enclosed by walls and workaholics and fussy business. Not far away, you may enjoy the unique mood of China Town in Singapore, experiencing the cross -over of chinese culture and the South East Asian traditional  life.

Shanghai 2010 上海

Shanghai 2010

Shanghai is always regarded as the rival of Hong Kong in the living story of "a tale of two cities". Our colleagues "skimmed" the city and had a "glimpse" of the most prosperous and promising metro in China in the hot summer days of this year. Enjoy the photos, though t

Central Old Town - Collective Memory the Good Old Days

中環舊區 - 美好日之的集體回憶

wingli street

An awarded film bring our memory and imagination back to our good old days. Half of it is but a dream and half of it is a reality before us. Being a spectator gazing at the outside wall of all those old buildings full of wrinkles carved by the knife of time, we're confussed.

2010 Shing Mun Reservoir 城門水塘

2010 Shingmun Reservoir
This is a good place for hiking and taking photos in Hong Kong. The scenery here is so awesome that you can't believe that you are still staying in Hong Kong, which most people think to be occupied by ugly concrete buildings.

2010 Guizhou 貴州

dragon palace

Guizhou is the home of the Maotai Distillery, distillers of Maotai liquor, China's most famous alcoholic beverage. The Chinese name of the distillery is Zhongguo Guizhou Maotai Jiuchang. Guizhou is famous among chinese for an old chinese proverb-"The Guizhou donkey is at his wit's end". In reality, Guizhou was a remote area far away from the center of the ancient chinese civilization. However, a lot of archeological deiscoveries show that this autonomous county was populated since the neo-lithic age. It came under Chinese control during the Han Dynasty and well known by the Chinese for thousands of years but it was not until the Ming dynasty that it came under heavy Chinese settlement and domination during which it was made a province. This prompted mass migration from Sichuan, Hunan and its surrounding provinces into Guizhou.
春 秋時期,當時在今貴州境內有牂牁(普通話音zāng kē)古國,並與中原有交往。戰國時屬於楚國的黔中郡,地域面積在今貴州沿河到榕江以東,包括銅仁地區和黔東南部分縣。秦始皇統一中國後,貴州分屬巴郡、 蜀郡、黔中郡和象郡管轄。漢武帝時設置了牂牁郡,管轄當時貴州的大部分地區。唐朝曾在此設黔中道,建黔州郡,設黔州都督府。

Information Source: wikipedia

2010 Mongshan National Park , Hunan

mongshan national park, hunan湖南莽山國家公園, 2010

Again we share with everybody the awesome natural scenery of southern China. Along the north border of Gwandung Province is the mountain of chin which extending from west to east crossing a few provinces adjacent to Gwandung. The scenery here is unique in the world for its geographical position and climate. The scenery also changes in four seasons. This time we visited the national park in early spring. The weather was cold and wet yet it seemed that the cloud and fog had totally isolate us from the troubles of our temporal world. Just click the above photo and enjoy the scenery with us.

yaumatei 2009 revisit

2009 Marvelous Natural Scenery in Southwest China


The scenery here is parallel to the great canyon in America. Thousands of photos organized in two albums were taken for recording the great work of nature. 媲美美國大狹谷的自然奇景, 令人驚嘆大自然的鬼斧神工, 不覺間攝下上千張照片

- 22/12/2009

snowy vancouverParadise on Earth 人間天堂

If you think that the heaven of god is too remote. Here is a second best for you. When you're lying on the white beach, enjoying the beautiful scenery, relaxing your body and let it be massaged by  the fervor  sunshine and gentle tropical breeze, you must be feeling that you've been in the heaven. Langkawi might be one of the very few places on earth worthing the name of paradise.    Just leave all your work and troubles behind. Take a short break in this resort area of Malaysia for a few days. Click <HERE> to enjoy the scenery of this beautiful island with us.

果你覺 得天堂太遙遠, 這裡有個不錯的次選, 只要躺臥在馬來亞浮羅交怡沙灘的白沙上, 一邊欣賞著美景, 一邊任由熾熱的陽光及溫柔的微風按摩著你的身體,感覺便猶如置身天堂, 何不暫且丟下工作煩憂, 到此人間天堂逍遙數天。我們樂於先行跟你分享該地美景,歡迎點擊<此處>觀賞。

ngautaukok lower estateThe Fading Memory - Ngautaukok Lower Estate
淡去的記憶 - 牛下
Another icon of the poverty of Hong Kong has entered its count-down stage. Will the demolition of the NTK LE put an end to those hard days of Hong Kong or envisage the death of the spirit of endurance. Our photographer took some snap shots. Click <HERE> to see the images of the fading memory in the virtual world of internet.

west kowloonWest Kowloon - the Diminishing Icon of Poverty

Here in the west  side of Kowloon is where the poorest region of Hong Kong locates. Once upon a time, Shek Kip Mei in west Kowloon was the icon of poverty of Hong Kong. The demolition of it did not put an end to this symbolic identity. Anyway, we took these pictures as a collective momery of Hong Kong people.

This warmest city of Canada was covered by the heaviest fall of snow in the last forty years. Let's forget all those inconvenience while people were snowed in for almost one week in this winter by the blizzards.  The snow-white view of the city was wonderful and beautiful. As what the poet told us, "If winter comes, can spring be far behind?"  Click <HERE>and enjoy the scenery.

四十年一遇之漫天風雪,為加國這最溫暖之城市塗上一層奶油白 色;何妨暫且忘記大風 雪帶來之不便,以詩人在嚴冬等待迎接春天的喜悅心情,吟詠著『冬天來了,春天還會遠嗎?』的詩句,欣賞眼前美景。